In The Future

Stay tuned for future projects, including Educational offerings, Books and Trips
Educational offerings
Coming soon, an online course with Bret Weinstein, on the evolutionary toolkit, and being human.
The two books that I have written or co-written so far are wildly different from one another, and future books may be different yet. For instance:
Foreigners—a science fiction novel that explores the search for other evolutions of consciousness in our galaxy. I have a complete working draft of this book, but it still needs work.
Other future books may expand on themes from A Hunter-Gatherer’s Guide to the 21st Century, such as
Sex and gender and feminism and relations between the sexes, or
Childhood and parenting, or
Health and wellness and recovery, from an evolutionary perspective.
Trips, perhaps, with Bret and Heather
Evolution Weekends: with hours of live, interactive lecture during the days, punctuated by shared meals, and opportunity for even more informal conversations in the evenings.
Adventures further afield: Heather created and ran several study abroad trips while she was a college professor, to myriad ecosystems and culturally significant sites in Panama and Ecuador. We visited the archipelagos of Bocas del Toro, Kuna Yala, and Galápagos; relics of pre-Colombian civilizations, such as Ingapirca, where the Cañari and the Inca came together through a royal marriage; and the Ecuadoran Amazon, the most biodiverse ecosystem on the planet, with (among many other things), ten species of wild primates and five species of wild cats. Perhaps we will create trips to such places again—but not just for college students anymore.
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